Did not you feel discouraged? Not wanting to produce? Here are some tips for you to come back to the game

Being that you are very busy or without energies and what you have in mind can not flow, or even more, you have no creative idea.
The important thing is to stop! Leave some time for ideas to flow again, so you can have that creativity that you always have.
Some are personal tips so you can free your creative obstacles and then start the path again.
Use your time to create new sounds
Take your favorite #VST and do some sound design. Create new #presets and order them by type and gender. Organized content reduces work time. You can also create new #samples such as instrument #loops, some #drums, #effects, etc. Use the lack of creativity to create new sounds.
Leave your studio
Go for a walk, exercise, clear your mind. A mentality free of stress and calm will make your creativity come to the surface.
Decorate your studio
Monotony plays a role against creativity. If you always have your studio or home studio in the same way you will begin to get bored of your environment and this will make your creativity get lost along with the harmony of your workspace.
I hope these simple tips have helped you improve your creativity. Thank you for reading and regards! :)